Saturday 19 September 2015


They devoted themselves to prayer.
                  Discuss the devotion of the disciples to prayer in the scriptures below.
Act.1:12-14; 2:1-4; Act.2:41-43; 4:23-24, 29-31; 6:1-4; Dan.6:10; Ex.33:11; Num.27:16-19.               You will notice that for these disciples, their devotion to the Lord was what made them to be                        devoted to prayer. For them, prayer was a means of walking closely to the Lord; it was not for material    gain or miracles they needed. To you, what is prayer all about? Are you devoted to prayer?

i. Note that no special prayer committee or prayer contractors were employed. Instead, each of these, and indeed, all these continued in prayer in one accord. What were the results of this devotion as they walked closely with the Lord in prayers?
The Holy Ghost came down mightily upon the disciples of the old as a result of their selfless commitment to prayer. Disciples multiplied and God wrought great wanders among them. Even in the Old Testament, disciples like Mosses and Daniel devoted themselves to prayer and God manifested himself to each of them and through them. The truth is that if you desire to experience God as they did, your devotion to prayer cannot be less than theirs. You must also be selfless in your commitment to prayer.
ii. Discuss what our prayer lives must be like, if we must get the kind of result that the disciples of the old got.

b   Fasting (along with prayer) was a regular practice among them as well.

Act.13:1-3, 14:23, Note Matt.9:14-15.
They were willing to fore-go food in order to concentrate in the place of prayer. It is a further sign of their commitment to prayer in their walk with the Lord.
Looking at the above scriptures as well as Isa.58:6-7, Lk4:1-2, what are we to use prayer and fasting achieve?
It is clear that fasting has its place in the life of a disciple of Christ especially now that the Bridegroom (the Lord Jesus Christ) has been taken away from us. Fasting is a means to an end; it is not an end in itself. Even though we now have access to the father by the blood of Jesus, fasting is meant to help us downplay our appetite and put our body under. it help us to connect more easily with God so as to let the power of God flow through us to loose the bounds of wickedness, undo heavy burdens, let the oppressed go free, provide bread for the hungry and do other great works in the name of the Lord and to the glory of God.
In order to achieve result, note what the heathen also do in the area of fasting.Act.23:12,1Kg.21:9-13.
 It is clear that part of the devotion of the disciples of the old was prayer and fasting and God moved with them. Even evil men know the value of fasting to achieve their purpose. Are you so devoted to the Lord?

   How did our Lord Jesus Christ handle their aspect of devotion in his life?

Matt.4:1-2; Matt.14:21-23, Mk.1:32-36, Lk11:1-2, 22:39-40, Matt.17:18-21.
What lessons can we learn from His devotion to prayer and fasting?
It is important to note that even our Lord Jesus Christ devoted Himself to prayer and sometimes with fasting. Even though He is God in every sense and does not need to fast, yet because He took upon Himself the human form, He subjected Himself to the discipline of fasting. He subjected Himself to fasting and prayers to show us how to live and walk with God as human beings. If The Lord Jesus Christ devoted Himself to these, we must do so much more. We should follow in His steps.

Worship with us on Sundays at Calvary Is Real Bible Church.
VENUE: #13 Ukwansi Street Abakaliki Off Water works Ai
TIME:  8:00 AM prompt.



                                    DISCIPLE’S DEVOTION TO THE LORD (Part 1)

What does the word, ‘devotion’ means?
 Act, 2:42-43, 6:3-4, Ruth. 1:16-18, Luke. 10:7-28

  From the dictionary, the word, ‘Devotion’ means constant strong love for something or somebody; or loyalty and commitment to somebody or something. This lead to the action of spending a lot of time or energy on that thing or with that person. The scripture above shows us the devotion of the disciples of old and what they devoted themselves to, which made God to walk with them and work in their lives. Ruth was so devoted, committed and loyal to Naomi and her God that she left all to follow her. The early disciples were also devoted to the Lord so much that they left all and devoted themselves to the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers. Their devotion to the Lord and therefore to this act made them to spend most of their time with the Lord and whatever He hold them to do. And God use the devotion of the early church to achieve much in their lives communities. What you spend your time, money and indeed your life upon, is a very crucial indication of what and who you are devoted to. Examine yourself on this. What and who are you devoted to?
We shall now examine what these disciples devoted themselves to, which so pleased the Lord as to show Himself mighty amidst them.
       The disciples devoted themselves unto the Lord. (Mk.10:28-31; Acts 4:19-20; 20:19-25, 21:13; Phil. 3:7-8; Dan. 3:14-18.

a)      Discuss what it means to devote one’s life to the Lord from the above scriptures.
b)      Analyze the implication of their devotion to the Lord on their lives from the scriptures above. What does it mean for us today if we also will be said to be devoted to the Lord?
From the above noted scriptures, their first devotion was unto the Lord. It was the Lord they responded to; it was the Lord they followed and with Him they spent their lives and time. It was as a result of their devotion or loyalty to the Lord that they went ahead to leave all in order to follow Him; Nothing was too dear to them to forgo in order to follow Him; even their lives were not o dear to them to lay down for the name of the Lord. As a result tot their devotion to the Lord, they were willing to do whatever He told them to do even if it will cost them their very lives. That was devotion indeed.
To devote oneself to the Lord therefore is not an ordinary mouth talk. It start from the heart; it involves personal valuation of the Lord as the treasure above all others as we see it demonstrated in these disciples of old. Whenever this kind of valuation happens to anyone, it will not be difficult to leave all and follow the Lord.
In the light of their devotion, can you truly say therefore that you are devoted to the Lord?

 Worship with us on Sundays at Calvary Is Real Bible Church.
VENUE: #13 Ukwansi Street Abakaliki Off Water works Ai
TIME:  8:00 AM prompt.



                 Discuss the devotion of the disciples to oneness among them.

What did you discovered?
        Acts.1:12-14; 2:1-4, 42-47; 4:24,32-37; 5:12-16; 6:1-7; 12:1-11.

What was the effect of their oneness on their lives and on the work of God in their time?
  Note the repeated use of the phrases, ‘one accord’ in the above scriptures. They did not allow any disagreement into their hearts and into their midst. As they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers, they become one in their understanding of scriptures. They believed alike, understood alike and become one even in their material possessions and they devoted themselves unto keeping that unity.  Every trace of disunity that tried to creep in among them was promptly, scripturally and effectively handled. The result was that great grace was upon them all. The word of God increased, disciples multiplied and a great number of priest became obedient to the faith. God did great miracles among them and His work progressed rapidly among them. Indeed how blessed it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! For there, God commands His blessings. The scarcity of the word of God and abundance of errors in our time is an indication of disunity in the Body of Christ in our nation and in the nations. Genuine move of the Holy Spirit and His miraculous manifestation are very scarce. Disciples indeed are not many in our time and the Church and the Name of the Lord is being greatly reproached, all because of disunity in the Body of Christ. This house of God is fragmented; so the church is exposed to lot of hardship from the scorching heat of the sun, storms and the attacks of the enemy who takes advantages of the gaps in our midst. The serpent creeps in without any hindrance. If this situation will be reversed, for us to experience revival, we must get committed to the unity of the Body of Christ even in our locality and allow nothing and no man to divide us. As a person it is important for you to commit yourself to this as a devotion.

1.      Examine again Phi. 2:1-5 quoted in the study from the message version, and look deeply within you, with whom should you agree quickly and become deep spirited friends in your locality or workplace or even in the Church or fellowship you attend? Act right away.

 Worship with us on Sundays at Calvary Is Real Bible Church.
VENUE: #13 Ukwansi Street Abakaliki Off Water works Ai
TIME:  8:00 AM prompt.


                           DISCIPLESHIP TEACHING SERIES        
                  Devotion to the oneness of the body of Christ (Part 2)

Discuss the practical ways in which you can prove your devotion to the unity of the body of Christ on a constant basis.
  Rom.12:3-6; Jn.15:5-6; Eph.4:1-3; Pilh.2:1-9 
Col.3:11; 1Cor.3:1-7, 17; Jn.17:20-23.

None of us must be presumptuous as to think you can do everything that needs to be done in the Body of Christ. You are not the Body of Christ; you are only a part of it; and you have been given a measure of faith and grace. Whatever makes you to think you can separate yourself from the Body of Christ and stand aside even in your locality, will only make you wither as a branch that is cut off; it will also render the Body of Christ in that locality ineffective.
Therefore think soberly; humble yourself. Let the mind of Christ be in you. Be ready to serve esteeming the other person better than you.

If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made difference in your life, if being in a community of the spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help other get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. Phil.2:1-5

Do not take part in dividing the Body of Christ. Rather pray for its oneness as Jesus did and be devoted to keep it united. Do not destroy it, for it is the Temple of God, Whosoever destroys the Temple of God, him shall God destroy.

  What are your personal challenges in accepting the brethren even from other denominations as one with you and how has this study affected your perspective?
2.      How do you intend to respond to the lessons we learnt in this study in breaking denominational barriers, social status barriers and group barriers in deliberately pursuing the oneness of the body of Christ in your own locality?

 Worship with us on Sundays at Calvary Is Real Bible Church.
VENUE: #13 Ukwansi Street Abakaliki Off Water works Ai
TIME:  8:00 AM prompt.